Highclere classic roast turkey

Highclere Christmas turkey

The ultimate Christmas centrepiece to feed a large family.

Classic roast turkey

Foodies Highclere classic roast turkey Highclere classic roast turkey Print This
Serves: 10-12
Nutrition facts: calories fat
Rating: 5.0/5
( 1 voted )


  • 5kg oven-ready turkey
  • 1 bunch rosemary
  • 1 bunch thyme
  • 1 bunch sage
  • 2 strips lemon zest
  • 1 onion, peeled
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 4 tbsp butter or duck fat, melted


If stuffing the bird, spoon the stuffing mixture into the neck cavity at the base. Secure the skin flap in place with two skewers. If cooking the stuffing separately from the turkey, divide the mixture into 12 balls and set on a baking tray, or pack into an ovenproof dish.

Tie all the herbs and lemon zest together in a bunch with some kitchen string.

Place the onion and 2 tablespoons of butter inside the turkey’s main cavity, then put the bouquet of herbs in the mouth of the main cavity.

Truss the turkey legs close together at the foot end and tie tightly with string.

Brush the whole of the outside of the turkey with some of the melted butter or duck fat. Put the remaining fat in the base of a large roasting tin.

Cover the neck cavity and the feet end of the drumsticks with a layer of foil or baking paper covered in foil. This will prevent them burning and giving the juices that run from the bird a bitter taste.

Put the bird in the oven and roast for 2¼ hours. Baste the turkey twice during cooking. Ovens vary – place a strip of foil lightly over the surface of the turkey if you feel the breast skin is becoming too brown.

Test the turkey to see if it is done: insert a long skewer into the deepest part of the thigh, through into the breast meat. If the juices are clear the meat is done; if they are pink, return the turkey to the oven and cook for another 15 minutes before testing again.

Lift the turkey from the roasting tin and place on a platter. Cover with two layers of wide tin foil and leave to rest for up to an hour before carving.

Christmas at Highclere by The Countess of Carnarvon, Cornerstone, £30

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